Saturday, January 13, 2007
A Blind Rant!
In a simplistic world, I may have a solution to this downward spiraling situation: Make it more work to add a name to the Bcc list.
Before the time of fax and email, it must have sucked to blind copy someone (relative to today of course). It was more work and took quite a bit more time. Being a society of procrastinators, that effort was not going to be put in when you can stay in your office and rock a hoola hoop. With faxes, it became a little easier, and now, its a click away.
We are only getting worse, "We're building a rat ship here. A vessel for sea-going snitches." - Lt. Col. Frank Slade
Monday, January 8, 2007
New F****** Jersey, The Greatest State in The Union!
I was hanging out with a couple of my friends from B-School a year or so ago and some dude from Texas started making fun of New Jersey. I took it very personally, so I responded with what I now call "The New Jersey 30 Second Pitch". I was quite excited and animated when I gave it the first time, so "pitch" is not exactly the right description for it. I have definitely toned it down since. I will get into that after I clarify an important point that pertains to my argument that dumbasses from all over always make:
You CANNOT compare NJ to NYC, which is the quickest response everyone has of NJ, "The Step Child of NY", "Arm Pit of NY (or America, depending on the version)". As a matter of fact, you can't compare NYC to anywhere in the world and still give it justice. NJ is a STATE, NYC is a city you f'in idiots. With that being clarified, here is my NJ elevator pitch:
- Jersey is equidistant from NYC and Phily, Boston and Washington - Center of the American Northeast i.e. the free world
- True we have Newark and Camden, however, we also have Moorestown and Chatham (Voted #1 and #8 towns to live in the US, NJ was the only state to have 2 in the top 10)
- We have Atlantic City and the Jersey Shore. They aren't Las Vegas or Bora Bora, but its alot more than almost all the other states can speak of.
- Schooling is some of the best: 3 of the top 10 public schools in the US. Higher Education: Princeton, Rutgers, and a gazillion other universities and colleges.
- I am not sure if anyone has been shopping at any kind of mall outside NJ, if not, I don't mean to spoil it for you, THEY SUCK. After you get used to not paying sales tax and walking around malls like GSP and Short Hills, there really is no comparison.
- As a state, probably the most diverse with respect to the number of ethnicities, races, religions, etc... per capita.
- Within an hour driving distance from Central Jersey, we have 13 professional sports teams to watch.
I am sure I am still missing a few, however, for you clowns out there talking shit about Jersey, what the F*** can you tell me about your state, you hick ass pricks!
I'll take higher car insurance prices anyday! My buddy luke has a T-Shirt that fits this occasion perfectly. It goes something like this:
"Welcome to New Jersey, Don't Worry, We Hate You Too!"
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Drugs! I don't do drugs, I drink caffeine!
If you were to take all the Coca-Cola ever made, put it in 8oz bottles, stack the bottles on top of one another, it would go to the moon AND back 1300 times (621,020,400 miles).
A Double Tall (12 oz) Non-Fat Latte at Starbucks costs $3.47, bringing it to about $37 per gallon. The average cost of a gallon of gasoline in the US as of 1/1/2007 : $2.334 per gallon.
The random shit I think about on an idle Thursday night...